石老师-留学美国网5 / 5
Trinity School位于纽约州的纽约市,建于1709年,为美国的第五所最老的学校。Trinity School包含从幼儿园到高中十二年级。二零零七年有116名毕业生,其中有20名进入华尔街日报八大名校,比例为17%,常青藤 斯坦福 MIT录取率高达47%。每年学费$30120.00。Trinity School曾多次被《华尔街日报》评价为美国最好的三所学校之一。Trinity School由全美最强的拉丁语的训练,超过半数的学生学习拉丁语,每年有几十名学生参加全美作文竞赛获奖。
有帮助(2) 无帮助(0) 2015-12-10
师资力量超强:20%的老师具有博士学位,其余的老师百分之百具有硕士学位! -
Anonymous4 / 5
有帮助(2) 无帮助(0) 2015-04-22
1. 您最喜欢这个学校的是什么?如果用一两句话来描述,您会怎么说?
The people are who make Trinity what it is; our teachers are the heart of our school, and it's also the connections and relationships I form with my peers that will be the most important take-away from this school for me.
2. 课程挑战性大吗?课程分级合理吗?四年毕业的要求是什么?(例如,英语四年、数学四年等等,请罗列)
Academics at Trinity are highly rigorous.
To graduate, we are required to complete 4 years of English, 3 years of History, 3 years of Math, and 2 years of Science.
3. 作业负担重吗?平均每天用来做作业的时间(包括检索资料)是几小时?第一年通常几点睡觉?高年级呢?宿舍有熄灯时间的约束吗?一般是几点?
For sophomores, we usually have 4-6 hours of homework.
4. 中国籍的学生每个年级有多少?百分比如何?ABC呢?同学之间的竞争激烈吗?关系是否融洽?
Like what I had previously stated, the relationships between students at Trinity is one of my favorite aspects of this school. Our school fosters a healthy competitive atmosphere, while at the same time, Trinity students are very close and help each other succeed.
5.主要学科 老师的教学水平和关注程度如何?学业上的指导有力吗?ADVISOR的关注度(例如见面交流的频度等)如何?对自己是否有足够的帮助和指导?
Our teachers can become very close to students, often becoming friends or mentors for life. We hold monthly advising meetings, so advisors are very attentive to our progress and adjustment to high school.
47% of our seniors go on to an Ivy League school, and 80% go to top schools in the nation.
1. 学校有哪些需要选拔的课外活动和社团?哪些社团被亚裔学生所追捧?大陆孩子一般选哪些社团?你能说说你选了哪些社团吗?
Please visit our school website at trinityschoolnyc.org
We have 48 clubs at our school, and 52 community service clubs. Some of the most prominent include; Model UN, various Affinity groups, Math Club, Academic Quiz Bowl, Sports Addicts society, Music Lovers, Unicef, and even some crazier ones like the Chocolate Lovers Club,the Sign Language club, and the French Glee Singing Club!And of course, our club:) (Trinity Tutoring)
2. 学校哪些体育运动项目较强?体育活动强度大吗?是上体育课的方式还是下午放学后强制运动2-3小时?各类运动队选拔的要求高吗?一般中国学生会参加哪些运动?参加运动队的学生的费用花销是不是要多一些?
If you participate in a sport at Trinity, you are allowed P.E. exemption. As for additional expenses, it depends on the sport. For example, track and field will be less expensive than golf.
1. 学校的食堂伙食如何?是否偶尔有中餐或者亚洲餐换换口味?附近的小镇餐馆如何?购物方便吗?
The cafeteria at Trinity is very good, and there are many restaurants around school that students are allowed to eat at. Shopping is extremely convenient in Manhattan.
2. 学校会主动跟家长联系吗?通过什么样的途径?频度如何?如果家长的英语不好,学校会有什么办法?
Parents and teachers communicate mainly through TigerWeb. I can't be sure about parents who may have difficulty communication in English, but I would assume there would be a translator.
3. 上网方便吗?是否有关闭网络的时间?学生们通常用普通笔记本电脑还是用苹果的?宿舍有固定电话吧?你们通常用什么方式跟家长联系?你们都在美国当地办手机卡吗?有什么值得推荐的?
Wifi is open all day.
4. 当地的气候怎么样?夏天和冬天大概的穿着是什么样的?冬天的暖气够暖吗?一般盖多厚的被子?夏天是否需要电风扇?
New York can get very cold during the winter and very hot during the summer; our school usually blasts the air conditioning/heat though, so that should not be a concern! -
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