通过iPhone应用提问于2016-11-09 07:40:50
通过网站提问于2016-11-08 23:18:20
通过iPhone应用提问于2016-11-07 15:17:40
通过iPhone应用提问于2016-11-06 17:52:48
各位专家,女儿打算今年6申7,小托825。本月打算再考一次小托福。ssat还没有考。目前申请了几所学校,Ojai,rectory,Indianmountain,rumsyhall,rabun,Webb(TN)tullulah fall , bement ,linsly有的学校建议走访面试,我们是否要走完全部学校,还是挑几所重点走访?朋友觉得时间太紧张,没有必要一定走访,完全可以通过Skype方式,中介老师觉得走访对于孩子申请有益,请问各位专家意见?感谢赐教!
通过网站提问于2016-11-06 00:15:37
要去The Hill school面试,请问学校离纽约的肯尼迪还是纽瓦克机场近?
通过iPhone应用提问于2016-11-05 21:55:43
潘宁顿今年不接受学生校园面试吗? 下面是潘宁顿发给我的邮件 你好! We have reviewed your Vericant interview and were impressed with the manner in which you presented yourself. At this time, we do not require an additional interview with you. If you have already submitted an application, please rest assured that we will use your Vericant interview in lieu of a Skype or in-person interview. Upon the completion of your application to Pennington, it will be submitted to the Admission Committee for review. Factors that weigh in your favor include TOEFL scores of 100+ and demonstration of interests beyond the classroom. Decisions will be emailed on March 10th. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY COMPLETED APPLICATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED AND WILL RECEIVE A DECISION; our application deadline is January 15, 2017. For complete application instructions, please visit our website: http://www.pennington.org/admissions/international-students/index.aspx We thank you for your interest in The Pennington School!
通过iPhone应用提问于2016-10-28 20:20:41 | 有最佳回答
韦伯中学(The Webb Schools) 10/27/16 - 10/30/16 在北京的推介会怎么报名参加呀?
通过网站提问于2016-10-26 11:06:31
各位老师好!请问Western Reserve Academy今年的面试是群面吗?请问有了解群面是什么吗?希望得到各位的帮助!
通过iPhone应用提问于2016-10-25 12:34:34
通过iPhone应用提问于2016-10-24 21:24:01