Sorry to type in English, it's 'cause I don't have Chinese input on my device. Anyway, I have been accepted by two schools: Kent School (CT) and Cranbrook Schools (MI), and I have a hard time choosing between them. I like engineering and research science and wish to pursue more advanced level and competition of math (above BC Calculus), physics and robotics. Could you value them on their participation in the contests of these subjects and resources in these areas? Also, I prefer to stay in New England, 'cause 1). I like Yale and MIT and wish to do some intern; 2). my old school is in New Hampshire, so it will be easier to keep friendship there. However, Cranbrook seems a more competent school in its region and has a strong relationship with MIT and UM Ann Arbor. So... Please give me some advice. Also, which is shows a better matriculation for Chinese international students? (Could you please be specific~) Thank you!
通过网站提问于2017-03-11 00:33:13 | 有最佳回答
现在offer开始发了吗?St. Stephen's有拿到offer的吗?
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-10 22:36:21
有没有哪位大神收到了the hun school of princeton的录取...
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-10 15:54:59
通过网站提问于2017-03-10 08:58:43
Miss Hall's 怎么样?想听各位评价一下这个学校。
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-09 20:26:21
各位老师好,女儿9申10,收到The International School of Minnesota和Cotter school两家的offer,麻烦帮忙点评和给下建议,这两所学校的比较,万分感谢!
通过网站提问于2017-03-09 16:37:33
请问康州的寄宿Marvelwood 和 新泽西的走读 Wardlaw-Hartridge School 从学校氛围、学术环境、升学情况等方面哪个更好些
通过网站提问于2017-03-09 14:00:49
各位老师好,现在孩子九升九收到north broward preparatory school in FL, Camden catholic high school in NJ ,Donovan catholic high school in NJ,Arendell parrott academy inNC的录取通知Westminster academy in FL,Doane academy in NJ 待通知。麻烦帮忙分析一下。孩子喜欢运动,性格开朗,我们该如何选择?谢谢大家!
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-09 07:10:23
有人说campbell 有欺凌现象,老师不是很关心学生,是真的吗?谢谢
通过网站提问于2017-03-02 10:47:23
大家好,我是高二学生,申请11年级,目前被三所学校录取。 Lancaster Country Day School, PA Solebury School,PA Manlius Pebble Hill School,NY 还有一所学校在等:Nichols School, NY 请问应该选择哪一所?
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-01 19:39:38