请问Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy 和 Santa Catalina School 两个学校各自优势,都是女校,哪个更好?谢谢
通过网站提问于2017-04-05 15:21:32 | 有最佳回答
请问顾问和家长:宾州Geroge school文科强吗?毕业生走向如何?哪位有最近三年中国学生的大学录取数据?看了很多介绍,学校艺术和机器人不错,但是我家孩子热爱人文学科。 另外网上看到2016年只有15%的学生GPA超过3.7。这个数据算好吗? 谢谢。
FS用户 通过网站提问于2017-04-05 12:59:05
通过网站提问于2017-04-01 19:15:13 | 有最佳回答
各位老师们,孩子收到了Offer, 但要签的合同里有这样的条款,是否非常不合理: 3. Waiver of Claims. I hereby expressly waive and renounce any claims against all host parents and members of their families,XXX School, and any of their respective employees, agents, trustees, officers, and directors, for any and all damages, actions, causes of action, liabilities, claims or demands whatsoever, including without limitation, any claims or damages resulting from injury to property or person, including death, which I may ever have, arising out of my participation in the Program, including any such liability that may arise out of any negligent act or omission, excepting gross negligence or intentional conduct, of any such persons or entities, which may be suffered or claimed by me during, or as a result of, my participation in the Program, including travel to and from the host country. 4. Covenant Not to Sue. I agree that I shall never institute or cause to be instituted, any suit, charge, demand, claim, complaint, or cause of action, in law, in equity, or otherwise, in any court, or in any arbitration system or procedure, against XXX School arising out of my participation in the Program or use of XXX School’s facilities.
FS用户 通过网站提问于2017-04-01 17:16:26 | 有最佳回答
请问各位专家,麻州的concord 和密歇根州的cranbrook ,从大学升学角度考虑如何取舍,男孩喜欢音乐、数学、科学,谢谢!
FS用户 通过网站提问于2017-03-30 20:51:30 | 有最佳回答
请教各位老师在 Choate 和 Milton Academy 这两个学校的取舍上有什么建议?
通过网站提问于2017-03-30 15:51:44
请问Solebury School如何?对于TOFEL达到85分以上不提供寄宿,说是学校安排住家,犹豫要不要面试?
通过网站提问于2017-03-29 19:53:36
女生,热爱运动,性格外向,已被kent 和pomfret录取,选择哪个?
FS用户 通过网站提问于2017-03-28 21:26:35 | 有最佳回答
请问西雅图的John F.Kenned Catholic High School怎么样?自己从网络上搜素的结果还可以,很多中介都是把它当优质走读高中来推的,后来辗转问到一个在自己微信也推荐该校的北京的老师,她的同事去参观过这个学校,还友善的给了我一些这个学校的照片,看起来还好。请了解该校的老师多给我们提供点该校的信息,谢谢!
通过网站提问于2017-03-28 16:48:57
各位专家老师们好! 女孩,9升9,托福97、SSAT2184(83%),维立克4.1,独立性较强。现获得走读学校Edmund Burke School 录取,请问有老师和在校生了解这所学校吗?谢谢
通过网站提问于2017-03-28 12:32:23 | 有最佳回答