请问各位专家Phillips Exeter学校在waitlist中,转正的概率有多大?谢谢
FS用户 通过网站提问于2017-03-11 08:39:07
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-11 08:19:41
女,美高九转十,目前只有deerfield和nmh的waiting。请问这两个学校转正的几率有多少?waiting pool大吗?410补录期间能做什么?因为是转学,目前的学校也非常不错,不愁明年没学上,用不用跟学校提这个?谢谢各位。
FS用户 通过网站提问于2017-03-11 07:11:08
晒Offer 大家说我要等wl吗?要是等的话需要做什么工作吗?
通过网站提问于2017-03-11 06:16:33 | 15个offer
各位老师,我儿子拿到Cushing Academy 和 Gunnery Academy两个学校的9年级新生的offer,孩子性格外向,爱运动,成绩一般般。请问哪个学校适合他,并想了解这两所学校以后的毕业去向。
FS用户 通过网站提问于2017-03-11 04:53:45
通过网站提问于2017-03-11 04:53:21
Sorry to type in English, it's 'cause I don't have Chinese input on my device. Anyway, I have been accepted by two schools: Kent School (CT) and Cranbrook Schools (MI), and I have a hard time choosing between them. I like engineering and research science and wish to pursue more advanced level and competition of math (above BC Calculus), physics and robotics. Could you value them on their participation in the contests of these subjects and resources in these areas? Also, I prefer to stay in New England, 'cause 1). I like Yale and MIT and wish to do some intern; 2). my old school is in New Hampshire, so it will be easier to keep friendship there. However, Cranbrook seems a more competent school in its region and has a strong relationship with MIT and UM Ann Arbor. So... Please give me some advice. Also, which is shows a better matriculation for Chinese international students? (Could you please be specific~) Thank you!
通过网站提问于2017-03-11 00:33:13 | 有最佳回答
请问老师:如果Dana Hall和Putney,怎么选?
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-10 23:27:19
男孩,9升9,托福102,ssat2229,94%,数学非常好,会网球、高尔夫、无人机、钢琴、滑雪。目前申请反馈,Asheville、landon、stony brook在wl里,Northwood给了offer,brimmer and may还未回复。结果不尽人意,请问专家,现在最好的方案该怎么办?waiting list会有希望吗?很着急。谢谢!
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-10 23:24:25
大家好,现在十年级想要申请hamden hall十年级,托福86, 小赛达1986,没有维立克面试,面试还可以,请问申请hamden hall有把握吗?
通过iPhone应用提问于2017-03-10 23:09:35