入学美国学校,需要办理很多相关的手续。有些学校可能还会有用来分班的placement test,和一些新生欢迎活动之类。这些相关的问题都可以归入这个标签之下。
请问各位老师。 第一次去美国读高中,是要接受新生培训吗?大概是多少月分开始的?为什么中介说让我五月份就去。 真的很不明白,求解!
通过网站提问于2012-03-18 22:38:00
听说加州高中入学要考一个入学语言考试,大概叫placement test,请问有老师和家长知道是考什么怎么考的吗?考完之后的成绩有什么影响吗?
通过网站提问于2016-08-02 05:53:13
各位老师同学家长好!最近收到学校发来的Waivers Of Claims 免责条款要我们签字同意,原文如下: Participating in School Activities may present risks associated with, for example, sports or travel. *** School, its past, current, and future officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and representatives – hereafter referred to as "The School" – shall not be held responsible for any injury, loss, or damage sustained by any person while participating in sports, travel, or any other school activity – hereafter referred to as “School Activity” – which might be caused by an accident, Act of God, or behavior which could be construed as negligence on the part of a student, a third party, or The School. In recognition of the inherent risks of the activity in which I or my child will engage, I/we confirm that I/our child, am/is physically and mentally capable of participating in the School Activity and/or using equipment. I/we participate in School Activities willingly and voluntarily and I/we assume full responsibility for personal injury, accidents or illness, or death, and for any expenses as a result of thereof. In consideration of my/my child’s participation in any School Activity, I acknowledge that I am aware of the possible risks, dangers, and hazards associated with participation in the School Activity, including the possible risk of severe or fatal injury to me/my child or others. These risks include but are not limited to: • Risks associated with travel to and from location(s) of the School Activity, including transportation provided by The School or by commercial, private and/or public motor vehicles. • Illness or bodily injury, emotional and mental distress or trauma, or death incurred while participating in the School Activity. I/we hereby authorize any medical treatment deemed necessary in the event of an injury or illness while participating in a School Activity. I/we either have appropriate insurance or, in its absence, agree to pay the totality of the costs of rescue and/or medical services that may be incurred during my/our child’s participation in the School Activity. I/we accept and assume the risks in giving consent for the undersigned to participate in School Activities. I/we understand that the teachers and other adults involved in the School Activity will exercise due caution and care and that if a misfortune or accident occurs, it will be addressed and managed promptly and responsibly. 我感觉这份条款有问题,请问要签吗?
通过网站提问于2016-07-30 12:16:52 | 有最佳回答
通过网站提问于2016-06-30 15:26:13
请美高被录取,已交定金,签证已办妥,是否应该有学校注册的手续,获得一个student ID ?谢谢
通过iPhone应用提问于2016-06-20 17:57:16
各位老师好,我9月即将入读美高,学校8月orientation的时候会有一个placement test,请问具体考些啥?考题难度会怎么样?考试的目的是什么?谢谢回答!
通过网站提问于2016-06-15 19:31:32 | 有最佳回答
通过网站提问于2016-06-05 10:44:10
请问: 有在读Buckingham Browne Nichols School的同学和家长吗?想请教入学有关问题。
通过网站提问于2016-05-03 20:57:37
请教各位专家前辈,收到学校合同,其他没什么,但是里面的免责条款有些疑问,想请教一下,这是不是必需条款,感觉学校免除了一切责任追究,这是否合理呢?原文如下: WAIVER OF LIABILITY: It is expressly agreed that the participation by our child in any activities of School, including but not limited to class, recess, physical education, dining, sports, schoolsponsored trips away from campus, and any other school related activity of extracurricular activity, and the use of any school facility or property, shall be undertaken at our child's own risk. ****School, its servants, agents and employees, shall not be liable for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action whatsoever to us or our child or our property or our child's property arising out of, or connected with our child's being at ***School. We do hereby expressly forever release and discharge ***School, its agents, employees, and trustees from all such claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action, and from all acts of active or passive negligence on the part of *** School, its agents, employees or trustees. We, the undersigned, acknowledge our agreement with the policies and practices of ***School, both in the annual enrollment contract procedure and with the guidelines set forth in the Student and Parent Handbook which can be found on the school's website under Parents or on RenWeb under School Information - Resource Documents. We, the undersigned, give consent to the release of our child's name and image to the media for athletic, artistic and academic achievements and to the use of his/her photograph in the production of school publications, advertisements, promotional materials, and social media.
通过网站提问于2016-02-23 10:33:41
通过网站提问于2016-01-13 22:57:00