Would you pls. kindly help to compare Columbus Academy, Bryn Mawr School and Maumee Valley Country Day School? We have to make decision ASAP, your prompt help will be highly appreciated.
通过网站提问于2013-05-04 13:42:00
My daughter is a grade 10 and top student (1 over 75) of an international school (British system), she got TOEFL iBT > 100, however, SSAT around 50% without any preparation for all the exam. She has got immediate admission after interview from Bryn Mawr, Ashley Hall, Maumee Valley day schools with open choice either Grade 10 or 11. Of course school advices for Grade 10 for her to have more time for preparation and transition. To cope daughter's aim for US top 10 universities, I would appreciate if you could kindly advice if it is worth and feasible for her to try Grade 11, especially she is a quite disciplined and diligent student, as we hope not to spend additional year for her to repeat Grade 10 but has concern if it will be difficult to achieve the objective.
通过网站提问于2013-05-04 13:37:00
有Suffield Academy的在读学生吗?我非常想了解这所学校,能帮助我一下吗?谢谢。jerry
通过网站提问于2013-05-03 08:49:00
各位老师好,马里兰州的Bullis School和华盛顿州的Saint George school 两所学校比较,哪个学术好些?
通过网站提问于2013-04-30 17:13:00
我女儿今年申请10年级,请问kimball union academy和miss hall's school这两所学校在学业、艺术、学校对学生的管理及今后申请大学方面哪个更好?
通过网站提问于2013-04-26 15:34:00
请问哪位老师了解Sacramento Waldorf School,CA,孩子准备明年申请9年级。住宿家庭好不好找?谢谢!
通过网站提问于2013-04-26 08:29:00
请教大家Hamden Hall Country Day School怎么样?希望能得到帮助。
通过网站提问于2013-04-25 11:23:00
请问Hamden Hall Country Day School, John Bapst Memorial High School和Shattuck-St.Mary's School这三所学校哪个更好一些?
通过网站提问于2013-04-22 16:30:00
请专家综合评价一下Kimball Union和Culver,作为9申9的女孩如何作出选择。谢谢!
通过网站提问于2013-04-22 10:47:00
专家好:我女儿今年秋季9升9,以SLEP54成绩经面试申请到HOOSAC SCHOOL,LINDEN HALL,WEST NOTTINGHAM ACADEMY刚刚面试等结果。如果后者也能录取,请您指点,该选择哪所学校?女儿性格外向,积极、乐观、阳光,综合素质较好,喜欢参加活动,对较枯燥的学习稍缺少毅力。
通过网站提问于2013-04-21 21:20:00