Cedarhurst School is a private therapeutic junior and senior high school, serving grades 6-12, operated by Yale University. It offers a structured and supportive learning environment for students identified as SED and OHI. Cedarhurst offers both mainstream programs and self-contained programs for students requiring more intensive, ongoing academic instruction and behavioral interventions. Academic course schedules are tailored to meet the credit requirements of the referring school. Students learn in an atmosphere that fosters attention, concentration, and the organizational skills necessary for academic success. Providing small classes with a maximum of eight students allows students who have failed to adapt to other settings to thrive academically, emotionally and socially in our nurturing environment. A clinician is assigned to each student providing therapeutic interventions and individual meetings as needed. The staff consists of a director, certified special education teachers, a nurse, licensed clinical social workers and other trained support staff. The referral process includes an interview and shadow visit(s) to determine appropriateness for either program. The mission of the Cedarhurst School is to provide a safe and supportive learning environment in which adolescents can achieve success. The goal of the mission is to integrate education and therapeutic interventions to assist in the emotional and social growth necessary to transition back to the home school district, graduate from high school, attend college or obtain gainful employment and become productive, caring members of the community.

Co-ed Day S. Grades: Grades 6-12
Co-ed Rural
暂无数据 Tuition: N/A
37 # of Student: 37
Co-ed Teacher:Student: 1:4
Co-ed International Student: N/A
0 AP Courses: 0
-1.00 Endowment: N/A
-1 Faculty w/ adv. degree: N/A
-1 SAT: N/A
Chinese Student Facts
Acceptance Rate
Spots Next Year
% Chinese Student

Min. Avg.
Data Source

*Official data sources including school websites and admission offices.

*Public data sources including: yelp.com, city-data.com.

*User generated data for section Q&A and section Review.

Basic Info
School Website
School Address
871 Prospect St, Hamden, CT 06517-0651
Phone Number
Boarding Rate
Religious Affiliation
No Religious Affiliation
School FS Avg
  • 0.0 / 5
    • Overall
      0.0 / 5
    • Academics
      0.0 / 5
    • Campus
      0.0 / 5
    • Student Life
      0.0 / 5
    • Athletic&Art
      0.0 / 5
    • Transportation
      0.0 / 5