Ladywood High School is a Catholic college-preparatory school sponsored by the Felician Sisters following the Franciscan tradition. We are a community of administrators, faculty, staff, parents and guardians and students who witness Christ to the world through the pursuit of knowledge, the understanding of truth and by our action of service to society. Ladywood High School seeks to influence and guide the formation of Catholic/Christian women who have an inquiring, tolerant, and liberal personality; who face uncertainty and ambiguity with confidence; and who can formulate creative ways to meet the changes in present and future societies. Within the framework of a total Catholic/Christian environment, Ladywood High School aims to educate young women in the attainment of Catholic values, human potential, and the ability to put faith and knowledge into fruitful action. Ladywood High School aims to harmoniously develop the whole person, so that she might live her earthly life to the fullest and, thereby, attain her eternal reward.

All-girls Day S. Grades: Grades 9-12
All-girls Urban
No ESL: No
9,475 Tuition: $9,475
255 # of Student: 255
All-girls Teacher:Student: 1:10
All-girls International Student: N/A
16 AP Courses: 16
-1.00 Endowment: N/A
-1 Faculty w/ adv. degree: N/A
-1 SAT: N/A
Chinese Student Facts
Acceptance Rate
Spots Next Year
% Chinese Student

Min. Avg.

School Gallery (2)
Matriculation (2013-2015)
29 University of Michigan 1 +
30 Boston College 1 +
30 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1 +
47 Penn State University Park 1 +
61 Purdue University 1 +
75 Michigan State University 1 +
86 Marquette University 1 +
99 Loyola University Chicago 1 +
9 United States Naval Academy 1 +
AP Courses
Total 16
Biology Calculus AB Calculus BC
English Literature and Composition European History French Language and Culture
Italian Language and Culture Spanish Language and Culture Studio Art: Drawing
United States History Computer Science A English Language and Composition
Environmental Science Macroeconomics Psychology
United States Government and Politics
Data Source

*Official data sources including school websites and admission offices.

*Public data sources including: yelp.com, city-data.com.

*User generated data for section Q&A and section Review.

Basic Info
Year Founded
School Website
School Address
14680 Newburgh Rd, Livonia, MI 48154-0481
Phone Number
Admission Office Email
Boarding Rate
Religious Affiliation
School FS Avg
  • 0.0 / 5
    • Overall
      0.0 / 5
    • Academics
      0.0 / 5
    • Campus
      0.0 / 5
    • Student Life
      0.0 / 5
    • Athletic&Art
      0.0 / 5
    • Transportation
      0.0 / 5