Preston High School is a private college-preparatory school for young women, established in 1947 by the Sisters of the Divine Compassion. Located in the Throgs Neck section of the Bronx, and situated on the banks of the East River, the natural environment provides a unique setting for study and recreation.
Preston seeks to promote the integration of formal learning, real world experience, and social responsibility with Christian faith and practice. School-wide goals are aimed at fostering the intellectual life, cultivating a confident posture in personal and interactive pursuits, and facilitating the maturation of distinct gifts and talents. As these are addressed within a strong community context, they simultaneously foster a social consciousness and responsibility, and a positive interpersonal dynamic.
Holistic development which addresses the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical dimensions of life is the theme that integrates academic and co-curricular programs and encourages a liberation of mind and spirit that enables lifelong learning.

All-girls Day S. Grades: Grades 9-12
All-girls Urban
No ESL: No
9,345 Tuition: $9,345
569 # of Student: 569
All-girls Teacher:Student: 1:18
All-girls International Student: N/A
5 AP Courses: 5
-1.00 Endowment: N/A
72 Faculty w/ adv. degree: 72%
-1 SAT: N/A
Chinese Student Facts
Acceptance Rate
Spots Next Year
% Chinese Student

Min. Avg.

School Gallery (3)
Matriculation (2012-2015)
1 Princeton University 1 +
2 Harvard College 1 +
3 Yale University 1 +
4 Columbia University 1 +
4 Stanford University 1 +
7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 +
9 University of Pennsylvania 1 +
10 Johns Hopkins University 1 +
14 Brown University 1 +
15 Cornell University 1 +
15 Vanderbilt University 1 +
18 University of Notre Dame 1 +
21 Georgetown University 1 +
23 Carnegie Mellon University 1 +
26 University of Virginia 1 +
30 Boston College 1 +
32 New York University 1 +
23 Oberlin College 1 +
29 Barnard College 1 +
32 College of the Holy Cross 1 +
AP Courses
Total 5
Biology Calculus AB English Literature and Composition
Spanish Language and Culture Spanish Literature and Culture Studio Art: Drawing
Data Source

*Official data sources including school websites and admission offices.

*Public data sources including: yelp.com, city-data.com.

*User generated data for section Q&A and section Review.

Basic Info
Year Founded
School Website
School Address
2780 Schurz Ave, Bronx, NY 10465-0104
New York
Phone Number
Admission Office Email
Boarding Rate
Religious Affiliation
School FS Avg
  • 0.0 / 5
    • Overall
      0.0 / 5
    • Academics
      0.0 / 5
    • Campus
      0.0 / 5
    • Student Life
      0.0 / 5
    • Athletic&Art
      0.0 / 5
    • Transportation
      0.0 / 5