Saint Bonaventure School operates as a service to the parishioners of Saint Bonaventure Parish. St Bonaventure School provide a Christ-centered, academically excellent, and safe school environment in which all children can achieve their maximum God-given potential. We hold that our religious identity is the heart of our school. Staff, students and parents strive to model a strong and challenging faith. We seek an enduring faith community based on Jesus command to love one another. Saint Bonaventure School is a lived experience of Church beliefs, traditions, and sacramental life, bringing the students to Christ. We commit ourselves to a challenging curriculum that integrates the subjects of religion, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, technology and health/physical education with themes rooted in Gospel values and Catholic tradition. We foster a supportive and challenging climate that affirms the dignity of all persons within the school community. An essential dimension of our school philosophy is a focus on the needs of the whole person. Recognizing that today's students are tomorrow's leaders, Saint Bonaventure School balances high expectations with respect for individual differences. Students are encouraged to manage their lives effectively, assume responsibility for their actions or failure to act and internalize positive healthy attitudes of personal value and self-worth.

Co-ed Day S. Grades: Grades Kindergarten-8
Co-ed Urban
暂无数据 Tuition: N/A
628 # of Student: 628
Co-ed Teacher:Student: 1:25
Co-ed International Student: N/A
0 AP Courses: 0
-1.00 Endowment: N/A
-1 Faculty w/ adv. degree: N/A
-1 SAT: N/A
Chinese Student Facts
Acceptance Rate
Spots Next Year
% Chinese Student

Min. Avg.
Data Source

*Official data sources including school websites and admission offices.

*Public data sources including: yelp.com, city-data.com.

*User generated data for section Q&A and section Review.

Basic Info
School Website
School Address
16377 Bradbury Ln, Huntington Beach, CA 92647-0926
Phone Number
Boarding Rate
Religious Affiliation
School FS Avg
  • 0.0 / 5
    • Overall
      0.0 / 5
    • Academics
      0.0 / 5
    • Campus
      0.0 / 5
    • Student Life
      0.0 / 5
    • Athletic&Art
      0.0 / 5
    • Transportation
      0.0 / 5