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航海图Jean 中级顾问回答于10/20/2016是有ABC可以做, 然后就可以进顶级高中了. 但实际没那么简单, 大多数孩子是做不到ABC的. 比如东方老师说的数学竞赛, 不是所有孩子都喜欢数学有天赋能达到那个层次. 还有体育好也管用, 每场球踢进三个球肯定管用, 但这个不是所有孩子都能做的. 所以说来说去, 还是要根据每个孩子的特色, 找到他喜欢的东西去发展. 而这个在这里是问不出来的, 因为我们都不了解你的孩子. 即使了解也未必能指出一条通往名校的必由之路. 再说残酷一点, 因为孩子的性格等先天条件发育先后家庭背景等等原因, 大部分孩子是去不了顶级名校的, 并不是因为家长做了和没做什么.
回答于10/22/2016Schools in US prefer students to have the followings:
- High level of English
- Good grades
- Good test scores
- Outstanding extracurricular activities
- Good interview
- Good essays
To prepare for the interviews, read more English books and watch a lot of US TV, talk to a lot of students who are native English speakers, go to summer school, etc.
In terms of extracurricular activities, it is important that whatever you do, the schools can see your passion. Meaning that if you play piano, they will want to see the grades you’ve achieved or prizes you’ve won, how your music teachers are very supportive of your efforts. Keep that up and many of the schools will be interested.