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官方回答Christy Wilke Assistant Director of Admission 招生主任助理回答于11/08/2016译文:非常感谢你对加州艺术高中的兴趣。
国际生申请的区别在于Skype面试。学校收到申请、两年的成绩单、艺术和学术推荐信后我们会对学生进行Skype面试来评估学生的英语能力。原文:Thank you for your interest in Idyllwild Arts Academy!
The only difference in the application process for International students is the Skype interview. Once we receive your admission application, two years of school transcripts, art and academic references then we will schedule a Skype interview to evaluate your English skills. -
回答于11/08/2016All applicants must satisfy the audition and portfolio requirements according to his/her art discipline. The school encourages all students and their families to schedule an on-site visit after the application is submitted to become familiar with the campus and participate in a live audition/interview.
For detailed requirements of each discipline, please refer to:
http://www.idyllwildarts.org/page.cfm?p=636 -
1881***4822 读者回答于08/13/2017如果是中国国际高中一年级学生,应该如何申请?要申请十年级还是十一年级?
If I'm a one-year senior who studied in an Chinese international school. How can I apply the Idyllwild Arts Academy? If I apply, which grade should I apply, 10th grade or 11th grade?