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官方回答Karl Lindstrom Admission Counselor 招生顾问回答于11/11/2016译文:史蒂文森招收来自19个国家美国16个不同州的学生。30%来自这19个不同国家。招生的目的是希望可以招收来自世界各地不同文化的不同学生。非常感谢你对学校的兴趣。原文:Stevenson draws students from 19 countries from all over the world and 16 different US states. About 30% of our residential community comes from these 19 countries from all over the world. The goal of the Admission Board is to enroll students from a number of different countries all over the world, for the most diverse student population possible. Thank you for your interest in Stevenson School.