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最佳回答信安国外教育 - Tracy 中级顾问回答于11/25/2016柴郡中学属于中等的私立寄宿中学,前几年中国学生比例达30%,过于偏高,而且中国学生成绩好坏两级分化明显,近两年因一些家长不满,中国学生数量逐渐减少至20%左右。再好的学校也有孩子打电游玩手机,孩子自觉性不够的问题还是要从根上解决。
回答于11/22/2016Cheshire Academy is a decent school in Connecticut. It has a decent average SAT/ACT score and a low student-teacher ratio, and receives good review from parents and students. It has a total of 16 AP and advanced courses. Students matriculated to colleges like Boston College, Syracuse University, New York University, and University of Connecticut.
Although they have around 37% in international students, they have dramatically reduced the number of Chinese acceptances in the last couple of years.