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官方回答Carrie Healy Director of Admissions and Financial Aid 招生及奖学金主任回答于12/03/2016译文:感谢你对联邦学院的兴趣!学校招收9-12年级的学生。我们只招收至少一位家长会搬到波士顿地区和孩子一起生活的国际学生。学校不接受学生住任何住家也不提供任何ESL课程。你可以在这里找到更多关于国际学生招生的信息:http://www.commschool.org/admissions/apply/international-applicants
如有其他问题请联系我。原文:Thank you for your interest in Commonwealth. We serve students in grades 9-12. We only consider international applicants if they plan to move to the Boston area with at least one parent. We don't allow homestays of any kind and we do not offer ESL courses. You can find more information about international admissions by clicking here: http://www.commschool.org/admissions/apply/international-applicants. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.