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官方回答Susan Dial Admissions Director 招生主任回答于12/13/2016译文:感谢你对我们学校的兴趣。我们一般不接收11或12年级的国际学生。现在你在哪里就读?你需要寄宿家庭吗?我们需要你美国和中国高中的成绩单来录取你并且决定你毕业还需要上哪些课。如果你需要寄宿家庭那你需要通过新绿洲国际教育(newoasisedu.com)来申请。我们只通过这家机构从中国招生。解答我的问题并且发给我你的年级成绩等我会告知你是否需要联系新绿洲。我的邮箱:sdial@nrcaknights.com原文:Thank you for your interest in our school. We do not typically accept 11th or 12th grade International students. Where are you in school now? Would you need a host family? I would need to see your transcripts from both American and Chinese high school to see if we could even possibly admit you and graduate you with the classes you still need to take. If you need a host family, you would then have to apply through New Oasis International Education (newoasisedu.com) agency. We only accept students from China through that agency. Answer my questions and send me your grades and I will let you know if you should contact New Oasis or not.