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回答于01/26/2017You are qualified in terms of the test scores. While be aware that it is a top school, its acceptance rate is roughly 13% last year which means it’s very competitive. Besides the test scores, the schools will also look at school grades, extracurricular activities, teacher recommendation, interview and essays. You will have to be well prepared in these aspects.
xxxxxingrui 读者回答于01/20/2017标价很重要,但是特长从某种程度上来讲也起着不可忽略的作用。比如说有可能一个学生托福110,另外一个105,但后者有特长或者是学校正好缺他的特长,后者几乎可以肯定会被录。标化快被中国人考烂了,过了学校的线,特长才是王道。
北美教育Berry Zhong老师 中级顾问回答于01/18/2017标化分数是够了的,但是Andover这种学校并不是仅仅只看成绩的,只能说很有希望,但是自身背景也有很大因素。
回答于01/18/2017非常又希望, 但录取决定因素很多, 绝对不止托福ssat vericant, good luck!