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回答于02/08/2017Both are good schools which have high average SAT/ACT scores and low student-teacher ratio. They received good review from parents and students. A number of AP courses and a wide variety of extracurricular activities are available for students.
Hamden Hall upper schoolers have been known to make notable contributions to the community and outside entities, either via seniors' May Projects (in which all seniors participate in an internship-oriented activity for the month of May) or otherwise. Some upper schoolers have given concerts at local nursing homes and participated in trash cleanup days in the area.
Wardlaw-Hartridge has a bit better review in terms of academics. And it offers instruction in visual and performing arts. Visual arts class and choir are mandatory for all Lower School students, and band class is mandatory for 3rd-5th graders. In Middle School, students must take visual art and choir, but students may choose between participation in band or keyboard class. In the upper school, all arts classes are electives. It has approximately 70% of their graduates in the last four years are enrolled in colleges and universities. Students matriculated to quality colleges like Rutgers University, New York University, Princeton University, Cornell University and Boston University.
You can also choose based on your preferences on your extracurricular activities, or whether you are interested in a large or small school, and city or country school.