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    波士顿凯西博士 中级顾问
    Classical Literature Reading List
    Sixth Through Eighth Grade

    Fables, Folk Tales, and Fairy Tales

    Irving, Washington. Rip Van Wrinkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Tales
    Manniche, Lise. How Djadja-Em-Ankh Saved the Day
    Tales from the Arabian Nights
    Myths and Legends
    Bierhorst, John. Black Rainbow: Legends of the Incas and Myths of Ancient Peru
    Gottlieb, Gerald. The Adventures of Ulysses
    Hamilton, Edith. Mythology
    Kingsley, Charles. The Heroes
    Lang, Andrew. Tales of Troy and Greece
    Picard, Barbara Leonie. The Iliad of Homer
    Pyle, Howard. The Store of King Arthur and His Knights
    Sutcliff, Rosemary. The Light Beyond the Forest; The Sword and the Circle
    Westwood, Jennifer. Stories of Charlemagne
    Alexander, Lloyd. The Book of Three
    Bacon, Martha. Moth Manor
    Bond, Nancy. A String in the Harp
    Goudge, Elizabeth. The Little White Horse
    Lawhead, Stephen R. The Dragon King Trilogy: In the Hall of the Dragon King; The
    Warlords of Nin; The Sword and the Flame
    Lawhead, Stephen R. Dream Thief
    L’Engle, Madeleine. A trilogy: A Wrinkle in Time; A Wind in the Door; A Swiftly
    Tilting Planet
    Ormondroyd, Edward. Time at the Top
    Siegel, Robert. Alpha Centuari
    Siegel, Robert. Whalesong
    Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels
    Tolkien, J.R.R. Farmer Giles of Ham
    Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings trilogy: The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two
    Towers; The Return of the King
    Tyler, J.E.A. The New Tolkien Companion
    Verne, Jules. From the Earth to the Moon
    Verne, Jules. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
    Realistic Modern Stories
    Branscum, Robbie. For Love of Jody
    Branscum, Robbie. To the Tune of a Hickory Stick
    Brown, Fletch. Street Boy
    Burnford, Sheila. The Incredible Journey
    Donahue, Marilyn C. To Catch a Golden Ring
    Du Bois, William Pene. The Alligator Case
    Farley, Walter. The Black Stallion
    Hamori, Laszlo, Dangerous Journey
    Hamori, Laszlo Flight to the Promised Land
    Haugaard, Erik Christian. Chase Me, Catch Nobody
    Realistic Modern Stories (6th – 8th)
    Haugaard, Erik Chrstian. The Little Fishes
    Henderson, Lois T. A Candle in the Dark
    Herge. A series: The Tintin books
    Holm, Anne I am David
    Holman, Felice. Slake’s Limbo
    Holman, Felice The Wild Children
    O’Hara, Mary. My Friend Flicka
    Ottley, Reginald. A trilogy: Boy Alone; The Roan Colt; Rain Comes to Yamboorah
    Pollock, Penny. Keeping It Secret
    Robinson, Joan G. The Dark House of the Sea Witch
    St. John, Patricia M. Where the River Begins
    St. John, Patricia M. Star of Light
    St. John, Patricia M. Three books: Rainbow Garden; The Secret at Pheasant Cottage;
    The Tanglewood Secret
    Serraillier, Ian. The Silver Sword
    Series: Starring You! A Making Choices Book
    Stolz, Mary. Cider Days
    Stolz, Mary. A Dog on Barkham Street
    Streatfeild, Noel. When the Sirens Wailed
    Thiele, Colin. Fight Against Albatross Two
    Willard, Barbara. The Gardener’s Grandchildren
    Realistic Historical Stories
    Alcott, Louisa M. Little Women
    Alexander, Lloyd. The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian
    Avery, Gillian. A Likely Lad
    Blackmore, Richard. Lorna Doone
    Blos, Joan W. A Gathering of Days
    Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre
    Cervantes, Miguel de. The Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha
    Cervantes, Miguel de. The Adventures of Don Quixote
    Chamberlain, Barbara. Ride the West Wind
    Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe
    Dengler, Sandy. The Melon Hound
    Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist
    Dickinson, Peter. The Dancing Bear
    Drewery, Mary. Devil in Print
    Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain
    Fritz, Jean. Early Thunder
    Fritz, Jean. Brady
    Harnett, Cynthia. The Writing on the Hearth
    Haugaard, Erik Christian. Hakon of Rogen’s Saga; A Slave’s Tale
    Haugaard, Erik Christian. A Messenger for Parliament; Cromwell’s Boy
    Hawse, Alberta. Vinegar Boy
    Henderson, Lois T. Touch of the Golden Scepter
    Henry, Marguerite. Justin Morgan Had a Horse
    Hewes, Agnes Danforth. With the Will to Go
    London, Jack. The Call of the Wild
    Mayne, William. Max’s Dream
    Montgomery, Lucy Maud. Anne of Green Gables
    Muir, John. Stickeen
    O’Dell, Scott. Island of the Blue Dolphins
    O’Dell Scott. The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day
    O’Dell, Scott. The King’s Fifth
    Porter, Jane. Scottish Chiefs
    Prokop, Phyllis S. The Sword and the Sundial
    Pyle, Howard. Men of Iron
    Pyle, Howard. Otto of the Silver Hand
    Pyle, Howard. Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates
    Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan. The Yearling
    Rawls, Wilson. Where the Red Fern Grows
    Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe
    Speare, Elizabeth G. The Bronze Bow
    Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Black Arrow
    Stevenson, Robert Louis. Kidnapped
    Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island
    Stockton, Frank R. The Lady or the Tiger and Other Stories
    Sutcliff, Rosemary. Blood feud
    Terhune. Albert Payson. Lad: A Dog
    Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    Twain, Mark. The Prince and the Pauper
    Verne, Jules. A Long Vacation
    Verne, Jules. Michael Strogoff: A Courier of the Czar
    Walsh, Jill Paton. Children of the Fox
    Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
    Willard, Barbara. The Lark and the Laurel
    Wyss, Johann David. The Swiss Family Robinson
    Aldis, Dorothy. Nothing is Impossible
    Aylward, Gladys. Gladys Aylward, The Little Woman
    Bendick, Jeanne. Archimedes and the Door of Science
    Brown, Marion Marsh. Homeward the Arrow’s Flight
    Burgess, Alan. The Small Woman
    Clapp, Patricia. Dr. Elizabeth
    Commager, Henry S. America’s Robert E. Lee
    Cousins, Margaret. The Story of Thomas Alva Edison
    De Gering, Etta. Wilderness Wife
    Drewery, Mary. Devil in Print
    Foster, Genevieve. The World of William Penn
    Freedom, Russell. Jules Verne: Portait of a Prophet
    Gies, Joseph and Frances. Leonard of Pisa and the New Mathematics of the Middle Ages
    Holberg, Ruth Langland. An American Bard: The Story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    Jenkins, Peter and Barbara. A Walk Across America; The Walk West: A Walk Across America 2
    Judson, Clara Ingram. Soldier Doctor
    Kennerly, Karen. The Slave Who Bought His Freedom
    Knight, David C. Isaac Newton: Mastermind of Modern Science
    Krensky, Stephen. Conqueroro and Hero: The Search for Alexander
    Latham, Jean Lee. Anchors Aweigh: the Store of David Glasgow Farragut
    Latham, Jean Lee. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
    Magnusson, Sally. The Flying Scotsman
    Meigs, Cornelia. Invincible Louisa
    Lawson, Audrey and Herbert. The Man Who Freed the Slaves: The Story of William Wilberforce
    Nohl, Frederick. Martin Luther: Hero of the Faith
    O’Dell, Scott. The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt By Day
    Powers, Elizabeth. The Journal of Madame Royale
    Singer, Isaac Bashevis. A Day of Pleasure
    Sootin, Harry. Robert Boyle: Founder of Modern Chemistry

    Biographies (6th-8th)
    Steele, William O. Westward Adventure: The True Stories of Six Pioneers
    Stonaker, Frances Benson. Famous Mathematicians
    Syme, Ronald. Magellan: First Around the World
    Tudor, Bethany. Drawn from New England: Tasha Tudor
    Vander Schrier. Nettie. The Golden Thread
    Washington, Booker T. Up From Slavery
    Wilson, Dorothy Clarke. Ten Fingers for God
    Zochert, Donald. Laura
    God’s World Books
    Angeli, Marguerite de. The Door in the Wall
    Blos, Joan W. A Gathering of Days
    Brink, Carol Ryrie. Caddie Woodlawn
    Brink, Carol Ryrie. Magical Melons
    Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain
    Fritz, Jean. Early Thunder
    George, Jean Craighead. My Side of the Mountain
    George, Jean Craighead. On the Far Side of the Mountain
    Gray, Elizabeth Janet. Adam of the Road
    Henry, Marguerite. Horse Adventure Series
    Hess, Donna Lynn. In Search of Honor
    Hunt, Irene. Across Five Aprils
    Keith, Harold. Rifles for Watie
    Latham, Jean Lee. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
    Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia
    MacDonald, George. The Lost Princess
    O’Dell, Scott. Carlota
    O’Dell, Scott. Sing Down the Moon
    O’Dell, Scott. Streams to the River, River to the Sea
    Speare, Elizabeth George. Calico Captive
    Speare, Elizabeth George. Forbidden Gates
    Speare, Elizabeth George. The Sign of the Beaver
    Speare, Elizabeth George. The Bronze Bow
    Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
    Thomasma, Kenneth. Soun Tetoken: Nez Perce Boy Tames a Stallion
    White, John. The Sword Beaver
    Williamson, Denise. The King’s Reward
    Yates, Elizabeth. Hue & Cry
    Yates, Elizabeth. Sound Friendships
    Yates, Elizabeth. The Journeyman
    Seventh and Eighth Grades
    Seventh and Eighth Grades
    Alcott, Louisa May. LITTLE MEN 1871
    Jo March and her husband Professor Bhaer’s school for boys is a place of light,
    warmth, comfort, and delights, where self-knowledge and self-control are
    acquired along with book learning.
    Armstrong, William Howard. SOUNDER. Illustrated by James Barkley. 1969.
    Angry and humiliated when his sharecropper father is jailed for stealing food for
    his family, a young black boy grows in courage and understanding by learning to
    read with the help of the devoted dog Sounder.
    Burnett, Frances Hodgson. THE SECRET GARDEN. 1909.
    A ten-year-old orphan comes to live in a lonely house on the Yorkshire moors and
    discovers an invalid cousin and the mysteries of a locked garden.
    Cooper, James Fenimore. THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. 1826.
    Set in pre-Revolutionary times, this story tells of the Indians caught up in the struggle of
    Europeans for the continent of North America.
    Defoe, Daniel. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 1719.
    An Englishman’s great resourcefulness enables him to survive for almost thirty years on the desert
    island where he is shipwrecked.
    Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOMES. 1892
    A collection of Sherlock Homes mystery adventures includes “A Scandal in Bohemia,” “The RedHeaded
    League,” and “The Adventure of the Speckled Band.”
    Frank, Anne. THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL. 1947.
    Hidden from Nazi soldiers, a young girl keeps a diary of her experiences.
    Gilbreth, Frank B. and Ernestine. CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN. 1948
    The twelve Gilbreth children are unforgettable as they grow up under the direction of their famous
    efficiency-expert parents.
    Grahame, Kenneth. THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS. 1908.
    This classic animal story features friends Toad, Mole, Rat, and Badger.
    Hunt, Irene. ACROSS FIVE APRILS. 1964. Newbery Honor Book.
    With the men in family in both the Union and Confederate Armies, ten-year-old Jethro runs the
    farm and comes to have serious doubts about the war between brothers.
    L’Engle, Madeleine. A WRINKLE IN TIME. 1962 Newbery Medal.
    Meg Murry and her friends become involved with unearthly strangers in a search for Meg’s father,
    who has disappeared while engaged in secret work for the government.
    Four English schoolchildren find their way through the back of a wardrobe into the magic land of
    Narnia and assist Aslan, the golden lion, to triumph over the White Witch, who has cursed the
    land with eternal winter.
    Seventh and Eighth Grades
    London, Jack. WHITE FANG. 1906.
    A wolf-dog experiences the wilds, the campfire, and finally the habitation of the white man that
    molds him into a loyal ally.
    Montgomery, L.M. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES. 1908.
    An adventurous young orphan goes to live on a farm with an elderly brother and sister.
    Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan. THE YEARLING. Illustrated by N.C. Wyeth. 1938. Pulitzer Prize.
    A young Florida farm boy raised a wild deer a pet, but trouble looms as the animal grows and
    begins to destroy the family’s crops.
    Richeter, Conrad. THE LIGHT IN THE FOREST. 1953.
    John Butler, young son of an affluent family, is captured by the Delawares and becomes an Indian
    in every sense, even to learning how to hate the white men.
    Speare, Elizabeth George. THE BRONZE BOW. 1961 Newbery Medal.
    A boy learns acceptance and love as his hate for the Romans, who killed his parents, dissolves.
    Spyri, Johanna. HEIDI. 1880.
    The goats and the Grandfather are Heidi’s only happiness when she is sent from her mountain
    home to a big city where she can go to school and be a companion for Clara, a wealthy, gentle girl
    who cannot walk.
    Steinbeck, John. THE RED PONY. 1933.
    Four episodes in the life of Jody, a boy on a California ranch.
    Stevenson, Robert Louis. TREASURE ISLAND. 1882.
    While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of
    the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads to a pirate fortune as well as great danger.
    Ten Boom, Corrie. THE HIDING PLACE. 1971.
    Corrie ten Boom’s account of her amazing family’s experiences during the German occupation of
    Holland reveals her indomitable Christian faith.
    A poor white boy and a runaway slave find murder, family feuds, villains, and friendship while
    traveling on a raft on the Mississippi River.
    Twain, Mark. THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER.. 1882.
    A poverty-stricken child and Edward, Prince of Wales, exchange clothes during a chance
    encounter. Each boy must live the other’s life until they are restored to their true identities.
    Professor Hardwigg and his party attempt to reach the center of the earth by descending into the
    crater of a live volcano.
    Wyss, Johann David. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. 1813.
    When a Swiss couple and their four sons are shipwrecked on an isolated island, they adapt to their
    “New Switzerland,” using imaginative methods of farming and animal taming.
    Additional Books: Seventh and Eighth Grades
    Additional Books for Grades Seven and Eight
    Adams, Richard, WATERSHIP DOWN
    Adamson, Joy, BORN FREE
    Aldrich, Bess Streeter, A LANTERN IN HER HAND
    Bagnold, Enid, NATIONAL VELVET
    Brink, Carol Ryrie, CADDIE WOODLAWN
    Bronte, Charlotte, JANE EYRE
    Buck, Pearl, THE GOOD EARTH
    Burnford, Sheila, THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY
    Cleaver, Bill and Vera, WHERE THE LILIES BLOOM
    Collier, James and Christopher, MY BROTHER SAM IS DEAD
    Cooper, James Finimore, THE DEERSLAYER
    Crane, Stephen, THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE
    Dodge, Mary Mapes, HANS BRINKER
    Farley, Walther, THE BLACK STALLION
    Forbes, Esther, JOHNNY TREMAIN
    Fox Paula, SLAVE DANCER
    Gipson, Fred, OLD YELLER
    Hautzig, Ether, THE ENDLESS STEPPE
    Hunt, Irene, UP THE ROAD SLOWLY
    Keith, Harold, RIFLES FOR WATIE
    Keller, Helen, THE STORY OF MY LIFE
    Kipling, Rudyard, CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS
    London, Jack, THE CALL FO THE WILD
    Marshall, Catherine, CHRISTY
    Meader, Stephen, SHADOW IN THE PINES
    Morey, Walt, GENTLE BEN
    O’Hara, Mary, MY FRIEND FLICKA
    Paterson, Katherine, JACOB HAVE I LOVED
    Pyle, Howard, MEN OF IRON
    Schaefer, Jack, SHANE
    Sewell, Anna, BLACK BEAUTY
    Sheldon, Charles, IN HIS STEPS
    Steinbeck, John, THE PEARL
    Swift, Jonathan, GULLIVER’S TRAVELS
    Wallace, Lew, BEN HUR
    Wells, H.G., THE WAR OF THE World

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