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FindingSchool-Sonia 特邀顾问回答于11/19/2017同学你好,这所学校9-12年级有150名学生,10%国际学生,提供ESL课程。有荣誉课程,艺术课程实力比较强,但无AP课程。毕业生录取走向挺不错的,请见下面:
Our students attend some of the most selective colleges (e.g. Yale, Brown, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Cornell, Duke, Carnegie Mellon, University of Edinburgh), very selective liberal arts colleges (e.g. Smith, Swarthmore, Oberlin, Wellesley, Wesleyan, Reed, Pomona, Middlebury, Haverford), as well as excellent state universities (e.g. UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, University of Colorado, University of Washington, Cal Poly, Cal Maritime, San Francisco State University).