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FindingSchool-Sonia 特邀顾问回答于01/13/2018我们致电了学校的Admission Office , 学校说:我们考虑一个学生是否合适,不是单纯的看分数,有许多其他综合的因素,但是我们要求学生的英语非常非常Strong,标化成绩,面试,在校成绩,推荐信仅仅是许多因素中的一些而已。
All applicants should apply to their next successive grade level. We may suggest that a student repeat a grade if, after evaluating an application, we believe that placement is more appropriate.
Our process is designed to be age appropriate, and at every level we are looking for students who will benefit from and be successful in our program, and we also look for families who will be positive members of our community. We base that assessment on all the pieces of the application, including but not limited to the school records, teacher recommendations, and the interview.
We also find the standardized testing to be important because it provides the only 'standard' measure that all applicants have in common. We see applicants from many different areas and many different schools, and their backgrounds are varied. The testing enables us to assess them compared to the larger group. However, the standardized test is only one measure of an applicant's success, and we use it in conjunction with the other required materials. Please refer to the ISEE and SSAT websites for more information about the tests.