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William Yu 学生回答于11/17/2011只有slep肯定不够,还得要托福,好一点的学校就会要求ssat,
ssat - secondary school admission test 顾名思义 类似于sat,但是是初中-高中难度,
ESL课程的话,不是所有学校都有提供,不过基本上都是要额外收费 -
Melanie Li 学生回答于11/30/2011SLEP可以,但是好的学校肯定要SSA,托福的话,10年级是必须的
SSAT就是美国私立学校需要的中考,但是只有英语和数学 -
熊慧 中级顾问回答于11/17/2011Some schools do accept SLEP, but not selective schools. Meanwhile, schools who do not offer ESL programs normally have higher expectation of students' English proficiency. Whether a student needs to be in ESL program mainly depends on student's English proficiency. Once a student's English is good enough, he/she will be placed in mainstream class and does not need ESL anymore.