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FindingSchool-Sonia 特邀顾问回答于12/07/2018您好:
Students who are applying for priority admission must take the regularly schedulced SSAT test on or before January 6 . Standard testing after January 6, 2018 will move the application to the rolling admission decisions made after the priority first round. The SSAT flex test may be taken through January 19.
预祝申请顺利。 -
丽格教育-波士顿Lily老师 特邀顾问回答于12/13/2018您好,St. Stephen's TX除了寄宿比较低一些,对于您孩子喜欢的项目,这所学校基本上能满足孩子对学术和兴趣爱好的要求。按照这个标化成绩来看,可以申请,但面试中的表现和文书是否能体现孩子的综合实力也同样重要。8申8相对难度低一些,但是录取的名额也少,所以孩子要好好重视面试和文书哦。