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FindingSchool-Sonia 特邀顾问回答于03/08/2019同学,你好:
In addition to the standard application requirements, which include transcripts from their current school, students must submit at least two recommendation letters (one from an English teacher), and an interview. International students are required to submit their TOEFL scores (75 or above is strongly desired), and a written statement on how they would benefit from a Harvey education. -
学校大概只有10%的学生住宿,其中大部分是国际生,周内住宿舍,周末住寄宿家庭。 -
1391***3111 读者回答于03/08/2019我2/4号带孩子走访过哈维,招生管是一老头,挺严谨的,孩子感觉得不错,校内宿舍的外观偏旧,室内设施齐备有点偏旧的感觉,宿舍条件比寄宿学校差一些,周内住宿舍,周末住寄宿家庭。毕竟是走读学校,只有18个国际生15个中国学生,学术升学不错,学校离纽约挺近的,大概1.5小时不到的车程