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FindingSchool-Sonia 特邀顾问回答于05/07/2019文书题目是否一样要看各个学校的申请要求哈,如果申请的学校采用第三方申请系统(例如SAO,Gataway等)的话,就只需要写这个申请系统规定的通用文书就可以了,小部分学校除了通用文书,还会规定自己的文书题目,具体以学校的规定为准,需要看清题目和字数要求。 文书分家长文书和学生文书两部分,常见的文书题目有:为什么要申请学校?学生能为学校做出哪些贡献?学生的优势和劣势是什么?学生曾经经历过哪些挑战并如何应对?等等。准备文书的时间长短和学生的英语水平、家长的配合度和学生家庭的效率都有关系,好的升学顾问会帮助学生和家长进行头脑风暴、整理最适合的素材、帮助完善文书的结构、丰富文书的内容并指点语法和用词,可以帮助学生在有限的时间里准备好比较有竞争力的文书。
毅维教育Sam老师 中级顾问回答于05/09/2019您好~美高申请中的文书是指在不同的申请系统中,学校所需要的学生文书、家长文书和补充文书。一般情况下,系统有两个:SAO和Gateway。
What reading have you enjoyed most in the past year and why? 最喜欢的书
Describe an academic or extracurricular achievement of which you are most proud or a challenge you have faced. If you select an achievement, what did it take to accomplish this achievement? If you select a challenge, what did you learn from it and how did you overcome it? 成就或挑战
Each person has a unique set of character skills they learn and develop over time. These characteristics affect the way they think, feel, and behave. Examples are things like initiative, open-mindedness, social awareness, and self-control. Take a moment to think about the character skills that make you who you are. Describe one of your character skills and a time or situation when that skill came in handy. 性格、技能
What are the reasons you want to attend an independent school? What do you believe you will contribute to a school community? 为什么来美高?对学校的可能贡献
Explain the impact of an event or activity that has created a change in your life or in your way of thinking. (这题是5选1,不过一般选择这道题,因为可以套用面试答案) 对自己影响最深的一件事
【2】 家张文书只有一篇,不过里面会有4道题和1个学生的评估表。4篇文书题目如下
What are the reasons you are considering an independent school for your child? What do you believe your child might contribute to a school community? Are there particular skills or talents you hope will be cultivated at your child's next school?
What experience has posed the biggest academic and/or extracurricular challenge for your child? How did/has your child responded to that challenge?
Is there anything about the sequence of your child's schooling that we should know? Did your child skip or repeat a year? Was your child ever asked to withdraw from any school, suspended, or put on probation? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, please share the experience here. Were there particular things you or your child learned, gained, or changed as a result of that experience?
If there is anything you wish to tell us about your child, but that you have not yet had an opportunity to share, feel free to use the space below to offer your thoughts.
【3】 补充文书