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我想以后学时装设计,我现在在美国普通的学校上十年级,我想转到一个有时装设计类的课程的高中,请问老师们知道有这样的高中吗?我自己在网上找的时候没找到。然后有些网站说Idyllwild Arts Academy有服装设计课程,但是官网好像没说有,求证!然后申请此类学校要准备什么?
陈思 通过 网站 提问于2012-09-03 08:24:00 分享
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    航海图Jean 中级顾问
    有的女校有服装设计课,比如Dana Hall,Emma好像也有记不清了你再查查。不过俺认为用不着非要去有这样课程的学校,这个爱好可以通过参加暑期该类的夏令营来满足。

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    许轶专家 中级顾问

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    海移Lucy 中级顾问
    官网上有的,在InterArt这个大类里面。你已经上10年级了,所以申请11年级?申请fashion design专业有作品要求,你可以看这个链接尽快开始准备。

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    新泽西Jean老师 中级顾问
    申请像纽约FIT, Parson 和 School of Visual Arts 大学不大需要去专门艺术高中,其实在普通高中和学校的art teacher (you will need recommendation from an art teacher) 做一些special projects and prepare art portfolio, summer 去一些和时装设计有关的夏令营或summer job, 这些规划对申请大学更重要。 Jason Wu went to Choate Rosemary high school, not any specialized art high school.

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    Introduction to Fashion
    Fashion Illustration
    Costume and Fashion Design II-III.
    Costume and Fashion Design IV-V.


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    Hi. 陈思.,
    First of all, there are no specific schools that offer fashion design classes even in the best visual art boarding schools.
    Secondly, switching school in junior year is never a good idea. Junior year is when you have to study your hardest and prepare for college, and when you switch school, you will need time to re-adjust and 90%of the students struggle in the first semester after moving schools and if your grades drop, it will not look good from a college point of view.
    However, in every school including art and non-art boarding schools usually have self-governed course where you can design a class for yourself. First, you have to talk to the academic dean, who usually helps to plan your classes about your idea then you have to come up with a proposal, and you study on a particular subject by yourself for one semester and usually write a midterm and final report and a teacher will grade your project.
    Fine arts have no limits. I know one student from Parsons Fine Arts who designed and made a dress for her Thesis show. So if you talk to your teachers, they might allow you to work on a project that you can design and make clothes.
    Lastly, fashion design is never late to start in college. So for now, I recommend you to study hard and sketch a lot whenever you can and prepare well for college that offer fashion design majors. Every fashion school is run differently so check before choosing one school to spend your life for four years. And if you want to take some classes during summer break or winter break, contact us and we will recommend you some art training/ portfolio academies in China that American art school professors come and teach during summer.
    首先 即使在美国著名的艺术寄宿制学校中也没有专门为服装设计设立的专门课程。
    然而在美国不管是艺术或非艺术寄宿制学校 通常都有一堂可以自我设计的课外学习,你可以利用这样的机会,第一你可以与您学系教务长讨论,在学期中让你自己选择喜欢的特殊科目,通常老师会要求你自己提供期中或期末报告,他们也会给予这个拟自选科目评分。
    美国美术系非常自由与开放,例如Parsons 美术系有学生就自己设计衣服并且当作毕业展主题。
    最后我建议时装设计到本科在开始也不迟。目前我建议你还是以课业为重和着重在申请比较好并且有提供服装设计科系的大学。每个时尚学府都有不同特色,所以慎选你所喜欢并适合的,好好地在四年大学里挥洒你的青春。如果寒暑假你想要找相关的课程可以联络我,我这里有些在校的美国教授们利用寒暑假到中国来教导艺术科目和教导如何准备创作数据的机构,期望能够帮助您顺利于时装设计的学习。Prime global consulting.

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    First of all, there are three most famous art boarding schools in America. Walnut Hill School for Arts in Massachusetts, Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan, and Idyllwild Arts Academy in California. None of these schools specifically offer fashion design classes.

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    向丽珍 读者
    有Fashion Design,我跟IAA的招生主任很熟,当时她还给我看了他们学生的作品,还是不错的

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    陈思 读者
    我现在的话是在wakefield country day school,GDP还不知道,因为是第一年

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    陈思 读者

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