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Candice Zhou老师 中级顾问回答于01/04/2013建议可以问下学校的老师,一般他们都会有相应的保险机构的。国际学生一般都是要求要购买医疗保险的!
回答于12/26/2012Medical insurance in USA for international students is different from what you have in China and will be different from what American students have. Usually American students at the secondary schools have their health insurance under their family plan and international students should plan to buy insurance independently. Colleges and Universities offer more comprehensive health insurance plan to international students since they do have contract with big insurance company, however, the secondary schools in many cases do not offer this type of plan. Each individual student then should do research and find an appropriate on with good coverage. Price and coverage vary depending on plans.
周捷Chris Zhou 读者回答于12/29/2012建议尽快购买医疗保险,有的保险是会延期生效的,所以需要早办,以免需要就医时遇到麻烦。由于你是国际生,所以可以参考其他招收国际学生的学校给他们买的保险的种类。网上有一个,供你参考。
Kathleen Conley: kconley@lfanet.org, 该校健康保险负责主任Sarah Collins: scollins@lfanet.org