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我们建议你留在目前的学校,同时找好的咨询老师进行大学咨询和辅导,这样可能给你带来的收益更多。 -
回答于03/08/2013有几个波士顿和洛杉矶的公立学校,都是当地排名很靠前的公立学校, SAT 平均分都在1800以上。可以接受国际生, F-1签证,只能读一年, 最合适12年级。这些公立学校国际生要交14000美金的学费。 寄宿家庭和学费年总费用在3万美金。
回答于03/13/2013Transferring to another school as a senior is usually not recommended. There are a few reasons why. First, as you mentioned, there are not so many schools that allow this type of transfer. Honestly, schools would possibly see that you would want to receive a high school diploma after just a year of stay and that does not sound good to them. Schools care more about students' growth as they become valuable part of their communities throughout entire school years. Secondly from college counseling point of view, this transfer does not any give positive view on you either, unless you present exceptional reasons why you transferred to a particular school at the senior year, and still this makes college admission office wonder why you did. Also, most elements of college application preparation will be done by your junior year; your transcript in junior year will be more important than that in senior year and your activities until junior year will be considered more as colleges review your file.
回答于03/13/2013Third,if you transfer, then it is also a new environment where you should start all over again, new friends, new housing situation, and new teachers. That must be tough. And most likely you will go to a college somewhere else again one year later. The first semester at senior year is the busiest time for you to create applications, to take tests, and to maintain good grades for colleges as well. In this situation, adding another pressure to you such as adjusting to a new environment would not be very practical unless you have some exceptional reasons.
I suggest you rather to take good college counseling and guidance while staying at the current school and that will possibly bring a better result to you. -
Candice Zhou老师 中级顾问回答于04/12/2013不是太建议转12年级哦,因为12年级开始就要申请大学了,这个时候的话推荐老师对你的了解很少,推荐信就不会有太好。如果非转校的话那就要有比较好的理由,一般住宿高中都不接受12年级的。