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回答于03/15/2013It seems that your son applied to junior boarding schools and did not get any offer. I am sorry to hear that. As I discover every year, the competition among Chinese students for boarding schools become fiercely competitive. I am sure that your son was one of good candidates, however schools just could not have them all. Since your son is 6th grader, I encourage you not to be stressed out, rather to try to find some alternatives. Your son might go to a good private school (day or public) which has a good record of sending its graduates to top private high schools. Starting and studying early in a good American junior school (6-8), as far as I am concerned, has some definite advantages when your son applies to the private/boarding school later. It is not too late. And you do not have to be discouraged. Or you might seek some advice from education professionals.
艺艺老师 特邀顾问回答于03/13/2013我不是Jean老师,不过看了你的问题,我根本我这几年小龄留学生的录取经验,讲讲我的一些看法。我经常会和一些学校的招生官交流意见,想知道他们根据哪些方面来评估学生。从众多的美国学校的招生官那里的意见得出:申请6年级,SSAT成绩和托福成绩都不会是主要的录取因素,只是用来参考,而且影响录取结果是有限的,这跟美国高中的录取所考虑的因素是有区别。学校更看重学生的一些潜能和个人特征,比如学校根据学生的个人特点,评估学生可能会到达的水平。一个五、六年级的学生,目前的考试分数,将来的变化是很大的。你有绿卡或你是美国公民,在波士顿,有很多优秀的公立初中可以考虑。