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回答于03/26/2013That is a very good question. As you might know, getting an admission letter as 9th grade from elite boarding schools become extremely difficult. This year also proves this trend. One way to improve your chance to go a top boarding/private school is to start early in a good US school. When elite boarding schools usually do not have ESL courses and other boarding schools usually prefer to have students who already have obtained English language proficiency and done with cultural adjustment. This preference can be interpreted that such top boarding schools can welcome students who have already experienced American school and curriculum. Thus, my recommendation is to find a school and go early. And many Chinese parents begin to realize how important this is. You can contact us for more discussion.
这是一个非常好的问题,正如您所知道的,如今顶尖寄宿学校9年级的入学竞争非常激烈。今年又一次证明了这一趋势。提高您去顶尖学校机率的方法之一是尽早去美国读一个好的中学。精英寄宿学校通常不提供ESL课程。其他寄宿学校也更愿意接收已经通过语言关和适应美国文化的孩子。也就是了解美国学校和美国课程的孩子。因此,我的建议是找到一所美国学校,尽早去美国读书。目前许多家长已经意识到这点。您可以与我们联系,做进一步讨论。6530 9247