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提问于2013-05-28 00:16:00
袁老师-艾芯留学 中级顾问回答于05/29/20139月份入读寄宿,现在申请也就是进入WAITING LIST。 如果孩子没有特别突出的成绩或者其他特长,再申请寄宿希望不大。好的走读学校名额也是很少,只是对分数的要求较低,面试强的孩子拿到录取的机会相对要大一些。但是申请的是11年级,学校对申请人的要求比9、10更高。
前30的文理竞争也是非常激烈,根据以往读文理的孩子情况分析,不建议您现在让孩子出国。踏踏实实准备一年的TOEFL、SAT,一样可以有比较强的竞争力。毕竟出去以后适应学习、生活同样需要时间,又增肌了几分不确定性,不见得是最优的选择。 -
东方欲晓 中级顾问回答于05/29/2013如果你孩子数理基础不错,欢迎和我联系。
IB math SL year 1/AP Calculus AB;
IB math HL year 1/AP Calculus BC;
IB math HL year 2;
IB physics HL year 1/AP Physics C;
IB chemistry HL year 1;
IB biology HL year 1;
IB arts HL year 1;
IB english HL year 1;
IB spanish HL year 1;
IB french HL year 1
我的信箱:sahsjing@yahoo.com -
回答于06/19/2013I understand your concerns! However, transferring to another school, especially academically strong one in USA, would be a great challenge to a student and even family. Typically, junior year (11th) would be the toughest and most challenging year for a high school students because a student must maintain high GPA, excellent extra-activities, high scores from tests such as SAT 1, SAT subject test (if colleges require), or TOEFL. Without proper preparations, a student usually suffers a lot, especially in the junior year even to an excellent American student.
Also, definitely, it is too late to get accepted to a good school at this time. All good schools have already registered new students and this is time to prepare a new school season. If there is a space available at the school, you might want to do your own research on that school before you go to the school (please check whether school is a better school or not in terms of sending its graduates to some of best colleges and universities than your current school)
My sincere advice for you if you aim to one of top 30 liberal arts colleges (I really admire you are considering liberal arts colleges!!) is to find someone who can guide you in the process of college applications and give you effective counseling to you in order to accomplish your goal. You might still have a good chance especially if you try to liberal art colleges while you stay in your current school! -
回答于06/19/2013明白您所关心的问题。然而,在美国,转到一所学术性强的学校, 对学生乃至整个家庭都是一个巨大的挑战 。特别是11年级是高中阶段最艰难和最具挑战性的一年,因为学生必须维持高GPA,出色的课外活动, 在SAT1,SAT科目考试(如院校要求)或托福考试中取得高分。如果没有适当的准备,这一年学生会压力巨大,即使是对一位优秀的美国本土学生也是如此。
的确,在这个时候申请并进入好学校学习的可能性不大。所有好学校已经招完新生,开始为新学期做准备。如果某个学校有空位,在你决定去那所学校之前,你应该对学校做好调研(该所学校学生重点院校的升学率如何 )
我真诚的建议你,如果你的目标是前30名文科院校(我真的很佩服你考虑文科院校!!)为了实现自己的目标,你应该找一位专业辅导老师,他可以在申请大学过程中指导你并给你提供有效的建议 。你留在目前的学校仍然有很好的机会,特别是如果你愿意尝试文科院校! -
Wendyontrip 读者回答于05/28/2013谢谢二位老师回复。目前正在看两个走读学校,如果有多几个好学校推荐不胜感谢,这两天看了很多sat排名靠前的boarding,但是时间太紧估计来不及了。孩子英文我不敢说好,toefl 裸考102,上新东方应该还有上升空间,他词汇还行,在四中学过ap英文,他自己认为提高比较大,在美国插班读书时可以跟上。孩子自己表示要勇敢挑战一下。