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回答于07/19/2013I have been the 美国宾夕法尼亚大学—招生及入学面试委员会,南中国及香港区主席 for the last 27 years. Many schools, like PEA do not have AP courses. However, if students take the harder courses (called honors courses) at PEA, they can already take the AP exam. Universities, when they evaluate students, want the students to be taking the hardest courses that they can, and do well in them. They don’t mind that a student does not have the opportunity to take AP courses. Just make sure that the course your child is taking is at the AP level. Otherwise, take some courses on the side during the summer.
丽格教育-波士顿Lily老师 特邀顾问回答于07/21/2013升大学需要考虑很多因素,你选择学校主要看综合比较各项,是不是适合你。AP课程多少只是一个参考。如果你本身整体均衡,实力不错,好的大学不会因为你学校只有一门AP课程而影响你的申请。