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回答于07/23/2013Usually not if your child's English is good enough. It all depends on the high school your child is at, his English grades and his SAT English scores. You child's high school counselor will advise what your child should do. My son is a sophomore (二级) at Penn (宾州大学) and went to PEA for 3 years. When he applied, he didn't need to submit any TOEFL scores.
丽格教育-波士顿Lily老师 特邀顾问回答于07/21/2013理论上是不需要的。正如,在美国接受本科教育,申请研究生院的国际学生是不需要提供语言成绩的。但怪就怪在,近些年中国申请者众多,很多时候,即使你在美国接受了4年的教育,在申请名校的时候,大家都还是把这个成绩当成一个衡量指标去提供。说到底,是竞争惹的祸!