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丽格教育-波士顿Lily老师 特邀顾问回答于07/31/2013您问的问题,我在我的博客里面进行过解答。
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1863652500_1_1.html -
In general, most US high schools are separated into the following categories:
Public Day School, Private Day School and Private Boarding School. There are other specialized schools, like military, special education, religious, etc.
When your child chooses a school, ask the following:
1) Big or small
2) Countryside, city or in between
3) All boys, all girls or co-educational
4) What sports does the school have
5) What extra-curricular activities does the school have
6) How strong is the school academically compared to the level of your child -