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William Yu 学生回答于08/01/2013loomis是一所位于康涅狄格州中部的寄宿制高中,学校也是著名的十校联盟的成员,也是美国顶尖私立高中的一员。loomis的体育也不错,特别是足球,有几乎是美国高中最棒的足球场。详细的www.loomischaffee.org上都能找到。
回答于08/01/2013Loomis Chaffee is a medium-sized school of around 650 students located in the suburbs of Connecticut. It is one of the top schools in the US, and a member of the Ten Schools (Choate, Deerfield, Hill, Hotchkiss, Lawrenceville, Loomis Chaffee, Andover, Exeter, St. Paul’s and Taft). It is in the suburbs north of Hartford, CT. It’s about 2 hours west of Boston and on the way to New York from New England.
Average SSAT score is around 80% and you will probably need TOEFL score close of 100.
My understanding is that it is not easy to get into this school from China as there are a lot of applicants from there. But this would be the same for all the top schools.