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各位老师好,我今年十月考托福,目标分数九十左右,读完初二之后在中国本地的美式高中接受了一年的美式课程(grade 9), 年尾16岁了,想明年秋季出国重读十年级, 考虑什么学校会比较好呢? 考虑The Hun School of Princeton会不会不太实际? SSAT还需要考和有时间准备吗?
Catherine Ao
提问于2013-08-10 12:25:00
回答于08/12/2013Hun School Princeton 最好还是提供ssat, 不过今年一个学生没有ssat, 托福80多分申请9年级最后补录也进去了, 不过有点凑巧。hun school 寄宿生比较小。
回答于08/12/2013Well, just looking at your TOEFL is not enough. Of course you still need SSAT, extracurricular activities, grades, etc. to be considered for the school. And the most important is the recommendations and the essays.
As for the SSAT, do you have time to prepare, perhaps depending on how hard you work. -
回答于08/13/2013考虑学校,建议你还是先考TOEFL和SSAT, 这样才能有的放失。