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回答于08/28/2013It is ok to contact to schools for follow-ups and confirmation. You can contact the school regular basis, for example, once or twice in a month. Please contact, if possible, the person who has engaged with you in the process of application because she or he know you. Please do not ask others so called 'influential persons' to call the school on behalf of your admission. You do not want to give an impression that you use other person's power to gain admission. In general, the schools absolutely do not like that. Remember they do have tons of Chinese student applications. That type of actions will add to your application another reason not to accept you.
可以与学校联系,跟进和确认。例如,您定期在一个月内一次或两次联系学校 。如果可能的话请与在录取过程中接触的老师保持联系,因为他或她已经知道你。请不要让所谓的“权威的人物”代表您致电学校。你不想给校方留下您是在借用其他人的力量获得录取的印象。在通常情况下,学校绝对不喜欢这样的行为。记住他们实在是有大量的中国学生申请。这种行为,只会增添一个不录取您的理由。 -
Candice Zhou老师 中级顾问回答于08/22/2013面试后就写一个感谢信就可以,如果之后有新的变化可以写邮件给对方,不建议经常打扰,他们本来人少 处理申请又多的。
还有,有的招生官对沟通不介意,如果遇到这样的招生官,多沟通对录取有帮助。不过,要看准了,否则会适得其反。 我就遇到过这样的招生官,一直沟通到发通知前,而且还是相当靠前的学校。 -
丽格教育-波士顿Lily老师 特邀顾问回答于08/20/2013肯定会嫌烦的,将心比心,如果你每天要处理那么多邮件,有人有事没事就给你写邮件,你怎么觉得呢。
Debbie老师说的对,除非有什么比较重要的问题,而学校的网站上又没有点到的,有必要写邮件沟通~ -
回答于08/19/2013After the interview, the student should ONLY write to the interviewer IF they have something important or new to tell the interviewer.
It's also alright to ask questions, but make sure that the questions are not already written on the website of the school.