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能否请各位专家评论一下Noble and Geenough School? 从国内一些网站上的排名前50名都没见到这间学校,国外网站上的排名这间学校却在20名内。这间学校到底怎样呢?谢谢帮助!
提问于2013-08-20 21:21:00
丽格教育-波士顿Lily老师 特邀顾问回答于08/22/2013来美国读书,要参考美国人的评论,国内的网站上的排名,基本是寄宿高中的排名,和已经开发出来的一些走读高中。而且那个排名水分很大,有些学校我们考察过很多次,也有在里面读的学生反映不怎么样,但排名却给排的很高。
看学校到底好不好,看看在读学生的反馈,以及美国这边的媒体报道,真实度要更可靠些。 -
回答于09/26/2013Noble and Greenough School is #18 on the Forbes list.
Location: Dedham, Mass.
Founded: 1866
Ivy/MIT/Stanford pipeline*: 27%
Student/Faculty ratio: 6:1
Faculty holding advanced degrees: 60%
Endowment: $73 million
Notable alumni: Louis Agassiz Shaw, inventor of iron lung; JFK attended lower school
Historically known as a feeder school for Harvard University. Began admitting girls in 1975.
* Based on percentage of graduates over the last five years (unless otherwise noted) matriculating into Ivy League schools (Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania and Yale University) as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University.