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丽格教育-波士顿Lily老师 特邀顾问回答于09/02/2013这个RIA难住了大家,俺也不懂。发挥下想象力,该不会是专门接收 Rich International Applicants 的某类Boarding School吧。
回答于09/05/2013There is no such thing in the US that is RIA boarding schools. However, if you are talking about schools on the native indian reservations, then it could mean Reservations Indian Affairs Boarding schools.
If it is a misspeling, then it might mean BIA = Bureau of Indian Affairs -
Candice Zhou老师 中级顾问回答于09/23/2013RIA应该是指罗德岛的一个高中联盟,好像是走读的学校然后共用一个学生公寓,统一管理的模式。公寓都是国际学生住宿!