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信安国外教育 - Tracy 中级顾问回答于11/14/2013这个应该是您说的项目吧:
The Kitebridge at Lutheran High School North program combines Kitebridge’s best-in-class boarding, acculturation and college counseling services for international high school students with the top-notch education and whole student development philosophy of a prestigious American high school in the beautiful and historic city of St. Louis, Missouri. Students learn to think and behave like American students, which makes them excellent top-tier American university applicants.
http://www.kitebridge.com/content/kitebridge-lutheran-high-school-northlhsn -
丽格教育-波士顿Lily老师 特邀顾问回答于11/08/2013这个真不了解,建议直接和学校联系,获取相关信息,有基本信息之后,可以拿到这个平台,让大家来分析下。