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请各位专家对我奇葩的Vericant的面试做下评价:我在最后自我展示的两分钟内说了一下My dream,大概就是study hard at high school then get a chance to study at top university in America to learn Economics knowledge, and after graduation I am going to work in an international company maybe to learn their marketing strategies et cetera, and finally I am going to run my own company and use the money I earn to establish many foundations for poor people and poor animals in this world 重点来了 and to help the mother nature because people in this world now never stop exploiting our mother nature, and for their own benefit they never get tired of exploiting it, few people actually care about it, so I really want to save it. 就在说这段话时,我默默的流泪了,但我不是有意的,可能是房间里的灯太亮很刺眼让我的泪腺发达了一句时,然后默默流了两三滴泪水就马上说I am sorry, 真的觉得自己很奇葩,面试官面试完对我说 it is okay, you were very emotional。请问专家,我这一举动是会对我的面试加分还是扣分呢?
加州北星教育Zinnia 读者回答于01/18/2014SAVE THE WORLD这类的话题是大学申请短文和面试的大忌。你的表现即使是发自内心的,也不见得对你有利。关键是无新意,苍白没有说服力。前半部分和后半部分的内容所反映的理念和价值观不一致,很难使人信服。无论是短文还是面试,真实的,身边的,平凡的,实际的,亲身感悟的才是最能引起共鸣的。如果拯救动物是你的梦想的一部分,你可以从你的一贯行为中展示你的真实关怀,比如长期喂养家附近的流浪猫,看到受伤的鸟儿会停下来查看并想办法帮助等等。因为梦想的形成是有源头的。