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融尚私塾Nini老师 特邀顾问回答于02/13/2014专家们已经回答。加一句,SSAT/SAT单项的最高分数如果出现在不同的考试中,把包括单项最高分的考试全都送过去,学校会看最高分。
远景领航咨询(美京沪)PCL王约翰 中级顾问回答于02/13/2014你好,分数是送哪次,本次的分数就会被看到。送过去的分数信息包含总分及分项分数,所以所有的信息学校都会看到。
回答于02/13/2014If you are talking about the SSAT and TOEFL, if you have 2 sets of scores that you want the schools to see, then you have to send twice (separately) as the schools will only see the set that you sent.
The schools look at both the percentile and raw scores.
However, if let's say the first time in the SSAT, you have a higher reading score, and you have a higher verbal score the 2nd time, then you should send both sets of scores in.