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回答于02/26/2014I strongly suggest that your daughter goes this year. It is easier to be accepted into a better school if the student is already going to school in the US. This is because she has already proved that she can deal with boarding school life and is doing well there. Remember she still needs to take the TOEFL and SSAT again.
远景领航咨询(美京沪)PCL王约翰 中级顾问回答于02/26/2014你好。这个学校还不错,唯一我感觉不好的是地理位置。如果这个不是你特别关心的,可以去学习。9年级开始的课程是高中课程的开始,现在瞄准一个比较好的高中,利用这一段时间适应美国的生活,同时准备一下考试应该是一条不错的路。