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尚读Mr. Leo刘老师 特邀顾问回答于08/04/2014意义和帮助的话就是当SAT的预热,11年级就要考SAT了,所以要考的话还是放在10年级吧。
回答于08/02/2014PSAT的主要目的是为挑选国家优秀奖学金(National Merit Scholarship)获奖学生,美国公民或绿卡持有者才能获奖。
In order to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program, a student must: 1) take the PSAT/NMSQT during his or her 3rd year (junior year) of high school 2) be in high school and plan to enroll in college full time by the fall after his or her high school graduation and 3) be a U.S. citizen or a permanent U.S. resident with the intention of becoming a U.S. citizen. If a student meets these requirements, he or she will automatically be eligible to participate in the National Merit Scholarship Program (NMSP). -
信安国外教育 - Tracy 中级顾问回答于09/17/2014您好,首先PSAT是美国学生申请奖学金的依据,对于大学申请来说可以有一定的辅助性作用,但是不能作为申请大学的依据。另外,PSAT与SAT试题来自同一个试题库,所以准备PSAT对于SAT考试是有很大帮助的。建议在十一年级考PSAT,因为这一年考的一方面可以为申请大学加分,另外如果考出高分也可以用来申请奖学金。
纽约韩梅老师 中级顾问回答于08/05/2014斯大林,Anything that can show your English proficiency is helpful. But PSAT should not be your focus. My daughter's class one day just announced they were taking a PSAT. Students didn't prepare for it. But they do prepare for the SAT. Hope that helps.