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董凡铭(LEAP导师) 中级顾问回答于12/01/2014你好,
我个人觉得申请9年级竞争小一些,毕竟十年级招收学生的名额有限。 -
回答于11/30/2014Congratulations on your daughter's fine SSAT score! The schools you are targeting often times will also require TOEFL for Chinese students as they want to be certain of the English standard. If your daughter's English level is solid, she can certainly try to apply as a 10th grader eventhough it may be more difficult to be admitted. But every year is different for those schools and really depends on how strong your daughter is academically.
回答于11/30/20141. SSAT是高分,但它毕竟不考察英文能力的听和说,若竞争对手又有高托福分,就略显劣势。2. “热心几种课外活动”不知做到了什么程度,硬指标到达后,这些活动就很重要了。3. 各种档次的学校都要申请几所,万无一失。欢迎私聊。