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诚诚爸爸(石治安) 家长回答于12/04/2014你好,SSAT成绩还可以,TOEFL还要考试。你们申请学校的底线在哪里,我不清楚,按时间计算,还是来得及申请寄宿学校2015年`秋季班。有一点是肯定的,千万不要就这么先去美国然后再转学。就是拿这个分数去申请也不会是好学校(美国烂学校也很多)。
想了解如何计划最后的50天可以微信我,加油 -
回答于12/04/2014公立学校您最好有身份, 有身份读公立学校也不一定要转学。来美国再转学大部分是劳民伤财。不建议。建议再考托福, ssat. 或申请比较好的走读学校。
信安国外教育 - Tracy 中级顾问回答于12/04/2014您好家长,如果上15年秋季班,建议托福再考一次,不要在学半年公立校了,而且更不提倡转学,能提高托福分,申请9年级还是可以的,这样会有很多学校的选择。按现在的时间年龄不建议申请10年级。希望能够帮助您。
回答于12/04/2014While understanding your main objective is to have you child attend schools in the U.S., I think the English standard, as indicated by the low TOEFL score, should be your child's main focus now. We as parents always want our children to attend the best schools in the U.S. but often times ignored the most important consequence of the child struggling to learn because of language difficulty. It is therefore recommended that your child obtains professional English tutoring during this school year and hope the level improves. Having bad grades in U.S. schools will definitely be detrimental in applying to college, which is more important for your child.