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男孩,9申9,托福80,ssat2007,成绩中上,喜欢体育和长号,目前打算申请加州:Dunn school, Woodside priory school, The webb schools,Besant hill school, Garden street school, Midland school,Oak grove school , 田纳西Webb school, Baylor school, 弗吉尼亚Virginia episcopal school。请问各位老师,是否合适,能够保底吗?多谢!
提问于2014-12-05 20:52:00
信安国外教育 - Tracy 中级顾问回答于12/10/2014您好,根据您的成绩,选校是ok的,有目标,有保底,较合理。期中Webb申请难度稍大,BESANT HILL, Dunn,Midland 基本没问题,后期文书以及推荐信一定要把个人特长融入进去,注意一些申请细节,成功概率很大。后期还有任何问题可以私信我。
Candice Zhou老师 中级顾问回答于12/08/2014这个选校还是可以的,webb,woodside,virginia竞争都会比较大,其他都还ok!
回答于12/07/2014These are popular choices for mainland Chinese students. Given your son's TOEFL score which isn't particularly high, it depends on his English standard, written and spoken to be able to tell you his chances. Most probably the schools will require a vericant interview to progress to follow up interviews. It is important that your son prepares his English well ahead of time.