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我们家女孩,目前9升9 ,只选择寄宿混校。 第一次托福89分,第一次ssat 1953分,准备1月10日再考一次,但不擅长刷分,估计不会有太多提高。但有国际学校教育(北京3年),维立克面试4.7分,老师说还可以。望各位老师指点选校:
我们家女孩,目前9升9 ,只选择寄宿混校。 第一次托福89分,第一次ssat 1953分,准备1月10日再考一次,但不擅长刷分,估计不会有太多提高。但有国际学校教育(北京3年),维立克面试4.7分,老师说还可以。望各位老师指点选校:
一类: 冲刺学校
加州史蒂文森中学Stevenson School,麻省圣马可中学ST Mark's School,宾州乔治中学 George School,俄勒冈州Oregon Episcopal School
田纳西州韦伯中学The Webb School,田纳西州贝勒中学Baylor School, 康州The Gunnery,弗吉利亚Virginia Episcopal School,罗德岛 Portsmouth Abbey School
提问于2014-12-07 22:30:00
回答于12/09/2014Your "first" and "second" tier schools are all very good and decent selections. Given your daughter's academic performance and test scores, and if you are serious about sending her to boarding schools in the U.S., perhaps you may want to consider a few other safety schools. Please bear in mind that there are hundreds of boarding schools in the U.S. that provide very good education despite the fact that they are not known or popular to mainstream Chinese parents and students.
william0118 读者回答于12/09/2014根据老师们的建议,增加了几所保底的学校,Monte Vista Christian School 蒙地维塔中学
Darlington School 达林顿学校
Dunn School 邓恩中学
不知是否合适,谢谢各位达人的提醒! -
william0118 读者回答于12/09/2014根据老师们的建议,增加了几所保底的学校,Monte Vista Christian School 蒙地维塔中学
Darlington School 达林顿学校
Dunn School 邓恩中学