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回答于12/09/2014诚诚爸爸说得非常好, 转学跟您在中国申请美国高中是一样的, 基本上全部程序还要走一遍, 而且要提供这边的学校成绩单推荐信。只有国际学生住宿的可能是校外公寓, 是走读学校加上校外公寓。 转不到比现在学校好很多的学校,其实挺折腾的, 劳民伤财。
回答于12/09/2014Good question. Where is you son attending school now? And why do you or him not like the current school to the point of wanting to transfer? I do believe that boarding schools offer much more learning experiences to Chinese students who often have language challenges. The dormitory and immersed school environment accelerates the learning curve and allows your child to develop friendship which is difficult if your child remains a day student. If your child plans to apply for a transfer, he or she needs to research into the type of schools most suitable and discuss with the admissions offices. Time is limited until middle of next January for applying to next fall so you need to act quickly.